
In2great Pediatric Therapy


School Support Services

There is NO reason for your child to be labeled or stigmatized as a child with behavioral issues. Let us help you advocate for your child by educating the teacher(s)/staff on how to play to your child’s strengths and teaching them how to interpret, reframe and successfully address their areas of need.

If your child is in a private school, our therapists (OT, SLP and Social Workers) can go into your child’s classroom on a weekly basis and facilitate social interactions (SWs), prescribe and execute sensory diets and/or practice fine motor skills (OTs) and work on speech/language and social pragmatics concerns (SLPs).

If your child attend public school, our therapists can go into the school on a consultation basis and collaborate with the staff to address your child’s current needs.

Is your child’s teacher concerned about one or more of the following?

  • Struggles with cutting, writing, forming letters, holding/manipulating fine motor utensils
  • Struggles with keeping materials/supplies organized (folders, lockers, desk, backpack…)
  • Forgets homework/ does not turn in assignments.
  • Can’t seem to follow verbal directions in class.
  • Sitting still/ seems “on the go”.
  • Has difficulties tolerating changes in plans/routines/expectations
  • Sitting and joining/participating in circle time/group activities.
  • Constantly moves around, spins, seeks a good deal of input.
  • Seems clumsy and uncoordinated.
  • Is clumsy and awkward in his/her movements.
  • Misses written and demonstrated directions frequently.
  • Can’t seem to initiate or come up with ideas when asked to
  • Hums, whistles, sings/makes noises throughout the day
  • Holds hands over ears
  • Has a hard time “watching” during instruction (even though he/she is likely listening)
  • Avoids eye contact
  • Startles easily
  • Social and/or emotional concerns at school
  • Slouches/slumps/sprawls in their chair or rests head on table during seatwork
  • Fidgets with anything they can get their hands on
  • Gets up and moves around more than other students
  • Seems withdrawn from peers and activities
  • Has a hard time making and sustaining friendships
  • Has a hard time with physical activities
  • Comes too close to other’s personal space/has a hard time standing in line
  • Avoids getting messy OR does not register when he/she is messy
  • If your child’s teacher has raised some concerns about one or more of the above bullet points, an occupational therapy evaluation is highly recommended.
  • Not talking
  • Not understanding verbal directions
  • Not able to answer questions
  • Unintelligible speech (hard to understand-articulation issues)
  • Fluency of speech concerns (i.e. stuttering)

If your child’s teacher(s) are raising any of the above concerns, please call us today to discuss:

speech therapist
  • Setting up a school observation
  • Teacher/Therapist Consultation and Collaboration
  • IEP/504 Plan alterations & modifications

Have a Question?

We would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please contact us and someone will get back with you as soon as possible.

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